Sphinx Alley, Luxor, Egypt
The Bible, Bollandists, Brussels, Belgium
Site of al Sheir ali, Nagada Katara, Egypt
Briqueterie, al Sheir ali, Nagada Katara, Egypte
Claude & Olivier Vandersleyen devant la Stèle de la Tempête, Louxor, Egypte
Olivier & Claude Vandersleyen, in front of the Tempest Stela, Luxor, Egypt
Claude Vandersleyen, Deir el Ballas, Egypt
Claude vandersleyen, Egyptologist, Palace of Ahmose, Deir el Ballas, Egypt
Deir el Ballas, Egypt
Deir el Ballas, Egypt
Temple of Karnak, Luxor, Egypt
Françoise Labrique, Historian of religions, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium
Gilles Lericolais, Marine géologist Ifremer, Paris, France
Israël Finkelstein, Archéologist, Institute of Archeology of Tel Aviv University, Israël
Olivier Vandersleyen
Olivier Vandersleyen, Temple of Karnak, Luxor, Egypt
Lefteris Zorzos, Archéologist, Santorini island, Greece
Kings list, Abydos, Egypt
Book of Exodus, Bollandists, Brussels , Belgium
Medinet Habu, Egypt
Manfred Bietak, Egyptologist, University of Vienna, Austria
Marina Baldi, Climatologist,Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Roma, Italy
Nadine Moeller, Archéologist, Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, Chicago, USA
Tumb N°5, El Kab, Egypt
Papyrus of Ipuwer, (Papyrus Leiden I 344 Recto), Leiden Museum, Netherlands
Nile, south of Luxor, Egypt
Claude Vandersleyen and the Tempest Stela , Luxor, Egypt
Temple of Karnak, 3d pylon, Luxor, Egypt
Robert Ritner, Egyptologist, Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, Chicago, USA
Roland Enmarch, Egyptologist, Liverpool University, UK
Claude Vandersleyen & Dr François Gourdon, Hypostyle Hall, Karnak Temple, Luxor, Egypt
The Caldera of Santorini Island, Greece
Lefteris Zorzos, Archéologist, Santorini island, Greece
Pumice cliffs, Santorini island, Greece
The Tempest Stele, Luxor, Egypt
Sturt Manning, Chronodendrologist, Cornell University, Ithaca, USA
Teije de Jong, Astronomer, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Temple of Sety I, Abydos, Egypt
Thomas Römer, Téologian, Collège de France, Paris, France
Tim Druitt, Volcanologist, Laboratoire Magma et Volcan, Université de Clermont-Ferrand, France
Site of al Sheir ali, Nagada Katara, Egypt